6 Samples To Spark Your Parole Support Letter

We have already written on how to write a support letter for parole board, but we also do understand that it just may not be enough to have a good idea on writing the best letter you possibly can for your loved one.

So in this article, we list a few parole letter samples that we think can be helpful for you.

Please don’t copy these examples word by word as your situation is probably 9 times out of 10 much different from these parole letter examples.

These templates are meant to give you an idea of what to say in a support letters for inmates to be released and help you get started on writing your own letter for an inmate to the parole board for your loved one. We wish you the best of luck.

We also recommend using the easiest way to write an inmate for free and send pictures to inmates for free

With that being said let’s get into the examples:

Support Letters For Inmates To Be Released Templates

Support Letters For Inmates To Be Released Templates Support Letters For Inmates To Be Released Templates

Sample parole support letter from wife

A parole support letter, penned from the heart of a devoted wife, can be a powerful tool in advocating for the release of her beloved partner.

Beyond just words on paper, this heartfelt letter holds the potential to transform lives and strengthen bonds, making a compelling case for the individual’s readiness to reintegrate into society.

As she shares her personal experiences, hopes, and dreams for the future, a wife’s parole support letter becomes a beacon of hope, guiding her spouse toward a brighter tomorrow and proving that love and commitment can endure even the darkest of times.

parole support letter from wife

Date __ Parole Board Address City, State, Zip Re: Prisoners Name, _DC# Name of Prison (where they’re at) Address City, State, Zip Dear Honorable Members of the Parole Board: My name is (your name). I am (inmate full name) mother. (Do not write in capitals)

When my boy was born, I turned into a very proud mother, and I still am. My son has the biggest heart. I know you may not know but I know he’s only a number in your system, but he honestly does have a great heart.

I feel my boy has done his time and I feel he needs to be home with me.

My health condition is really slowing me down, making it difficult to travel to go see my son but I will continue to make the trips no matter if it does slow me down. I want to know if my boy has any chance of early release.

If my son does come home, I have 2 friends that are willing to hire him, in their place of business.

They are willing to give him employment, so all he needs is a chance in life. My son has missed out on his son’s life, and but my grandson has finished school. Now he might even be a father.

All I’m asking is give me another chance with my son. I would love my son to have a chance to be able to know his grandbaby.

Sample parole support letter from family

The background of this parole support letter is for a brother. The sister is vouching for her brother on how he was their role model growing up and she also talks about how she has been a contributing citizen herself and helping him won’t be an issue.

My name is ____ and I am writing respectfully request that my brother,

____, be granted parole.

(inmates name) is three years older than I am, and while we were growing up he played the role of protector and confidant. He is sensitive, kind, honest and caring.

I can’t have imagined a better role model growing up.

Sadly, (inmate name) got into controlled substances in high school, and was ultimately arrested, tried and sent to prison for possession and sale of methamphetamines. While it’s True that my brother used and sold drugs, he was always a peaceful man and never engaged in other illegal activities such as theft to support his habit.

(inmate name) accepts full responsibility for his crimes. Through the drug treatment program offered through the prison system, as well as counseling during visits by our family pastor, has examined why he turned to drugs and is committed to staying clean when he is released.

Perhaps due in part to my brother’s influence, I went to college and am now employed as a high school counselor. I can tell when someone is trying to “pull one over on me,” and this is not the case with my brother. If (inmate name) is granted parole, I will not hesitate to welcome him into my home, including building a relationship with my two young children Sincerely,

Parole support letter example from mother

parole support letter from mother

Parole letters of support from friends

The background of this letter is that the inmate is innocent according to the letter and was already denied parole before.

Board of Probation and Parole Attn: Inmate Inquiry Regarding Parole Hearing for: has her next parole hearing scheduled for .

As a concerned citizen interested in helping successfully transition into life outside prison, I am writing to as that you please parole for her at this hearing.

She/He has served over X years of a year sentence for , even though the average sentence for that charge is 10-15 years. She is still in prison years after her minimum sentence despite having no major disciplinary problem in the last three decades.

The document provided to Ms.Sims for her last parole denial in June 2013 is lists the reasons for the denial as:

“Your minimization/denial of the nature and circumstances of the offense(s) committed, “and “The negative recommendation made by the prosecuting attorney.”

I am concerned that Ms. Sims maintaining her innocence is seen as an attempt to minimize or deny the nature and circumstances of the offense(s), even while there is evidence that corroborates that the shot was fired from a location where it is well known she was nowhere near.

This phenomenon is referred to as “the innocent prisoner’s dilemma” by law professor Daniel Medwed who asserts that it is unfair and unethical to require a prisoner who may have been wrongly convicted to provide false admission of guilt or remorse.

In regards to the negative recommendation made by the prosecuting attorney, I believe this is outweighed by the fact that the officials at SCI Cambridge Springs, where Ms. Sims is held, have recommended her for parole.

These are the prison guards and personnel that she has contact with on a day-to-day basis as opposed to the prosecuting attorney who had no contact with her at all in decades.

Debbie Sims has now spent most of her life in prison, and the recidivism rate for people released at her age is very low. Please grant parole and allow her to be a part of, and contribute to, society as a free citizen, a loving mother, and grandmother.

Sincerely, (your name)

Sample parole support letter from employer

The background of this letter is that a retired MDOC employee is vouchering for the person incarcerated and is talking about the accomplishments the inmate has done while incarcerated.

Chairman Michigan Parole Board Michigan Department of Corrections P.O. Box 30003 Lansing, MI 48909 RE: Johnson, Michael Jeffery #159608 Dear Parole Board,

As a retired MDOC employee, I would like to be afforded the opportunity to express my support for parole for Michael Jeffery Johnson.

I have known him since 1980 after his arrival at MCF, where I was employed as a Resident Unit Manager for approximately 29 years. As with most arrivals, many prisoners arrive with little of anything. In his case, he managed to use his time wisely!

The Parole Board is well aware of his accomplishments, but I witnessed the changes firsthand. I know that he is a changed man! Not only has he been remorseful, but he had also developed into an law-abiding and respectful person. He ha snot been selfish with himself, as I know that on many occasions he has guided other young men into respectful conduct.

Besides being an educated and well-read individual, he is a very talented artist and is very innovative with ideas. Not only does he have close family ties and support, a feature that many incarcerated individuals lack, but he has community support as well.

I am optimistic that when released, he will continue as a positive, law-abiding, and hardworking individual!

Sincerely, Your name Full Address (source: unknown)

If you’re looking in a step-by-step format on what goes on a letter we’d recommend reading our detailed post on how to write a parole letter. We’d love to hear your feedback on these examples or if you have any of your own you’d like to share with us we’d like to also post it on here to keep helping more people.