The intention of pre planning application advice is to outline how the local planning authority will likely determine a subsequent planning application. Local planning authority officers provide pre planning application advice. Pre planning application should provide recommendations/advice on any changes that should be made to the subsequent planning application to provide the best chances of planning permission being granted. Pre planning application advice is typically sought for larger and more complicated developments where guidance is required from a local planning authority officer. Pre planning application advice is also often sought where a scheme may be sensitive and it is of benefit to discuss it with the case officer before the proposals made public. Pre planning application advice is typically undertaken out of the public sphere and is therefore confidential. However, sometimes the process can be public and discussions/documents can be made available following a request under the Freedom of Information Act or the Environmental Information Regulations. This can only be made once a full planning application is made. The fees applicable to pre planning application will vary dependent on the scope, size and complexity of the proposed development. They will also be subject to the extent of involvement that is required from the local planning authority officer. It is recommended that a planning consultant is approached to assist with understanding the fees associated with pre planning application. It should also be noted that there will be costs associated with producing outline design proposals, specialist consultant reports etc. Owing to the nature of pre planning application the timescales for obtaining feedback can range from circa 1 week to a number of months. Typically the response to a pre planning application submission is provided in the form of a letter, email or could be a face-to-face meeting.
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The pre planning application process is undertaken behind closed doors and therefore any feedback will only be provided to the relevant individuals/parties. Should the feedback from the local planning authority officer be positive then the party can proceed with the next steps of the planning application, be this to make an outline planning application or a full planning application. The outcome of the pre planning application may be for the applicant to make some amendments or tweaks to the development and if so these can be incorporated into the next stage of the development.
Should the feedback to the pre planning application be negative and conclude that the proposed scheme likely be rejected should a formal planning application be made then the applicant may consider making significant changes to the proposed development. They may also wish to review their intentions completely for a building and/or site.
The main benefit of seeking pre planning application advice is that it will provide the applying party a good steer on whether the proposed scheme is likely to be receive planning permission. It allows this without as significant up front costs as a full planning application. In addition a pre planning application will help to verify the local requirements of the relevant planning authority, reduce the likelihood of the applicant submitting and invalid application and help to understand the relevant planning policies and other issues which may impact a proposed development.