Berkshire Hathaway, State Farm, and Progressive Corp are just some of the biggest property and casualty insurance companies in the world - all of which hail from the United States. Property and casualty insurance is a type of insurance which covers risks related to loss or damage of property. This type of insurance has two major areas: protection of physical objects and protection against legal liability. In total, the value of gross premiums written by the U.S. property and casualty insurance sector exceeded 850 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. In the same year, 35 percent of the U.S. P&C premiums were written by private passenger auto insurance companies.
State Farm Insurance was the largest property and casualty insurance company by revenue in 2021. It also topped the list of leading P&C insurers with regards to the value of direct premiums written. State Farm is a group of mutual insurance companies with headquarters in Bloomington, Illinois. However, Nationwide overtook State Farm in 2021 to become the most profitable mutual property and casualty insurer in the country.
Losses incurred by insurance companies have been increasing in recent years, which means that insurers have paid out more money in claims than they used to. This trend has affected auto insurance and homeowners insurance providers. The U.S. property and casualty sector employed about 686,000 in 2022. This number has fluctuated over the past decade and rose by 42,000 in 2022.
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Show more - DescriptionLeading global property/casualty (stock) insurance companies 2020, by revenue
Net premiums written by property and casualty insurers in the U.S. 2004-2022
Leading U.S. mutual property and casualty insurance companies 2020-2021, by profit
Residential Real Estate
Homeownership rate in the U.S. 1990-2023
Gross premiums written by property and casualty insurance in the U.S. 2004-2022
Number of employees in the U.S. property and casualty insurance industry 2005-2022
Leading property and casualty insurance companies in the U.S. 2020-2021, by revenue Leading mutual property/casualty insurance companies in the United States in 2020 and 2021, by revenue (in billion U.S. dollars)
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Leading private passenger auto insurers in the U.S. 2021-2022, by premiums Leading writers of private passenger auto insurance in the United States in 2021 and 2022, by direct premiums written (in billion U.S. dollars)
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Number of employees in the U.S. property and casualty insurance industry 2005-2022 Number of employees in property and casualty insurance industry in the United States from 2005 to 2022 (in 1,000s)
Gross premiums written by property and casualty insurance in the U.S. 2004-2022 Direct premiums of property and casualty insurance in the United States from 2004 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)
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