Water & Wastewater Billing

The City of Thousand Oaks is one of two wastewater purveyors and one of four water purveyors serving residents and businesses in the Conejo Valley. The City-operated utilities are public enterprises managed by the Public Works Department, with utility billing and customer service managed by the Finance Department. The City serves approximately 38,000 wastewater customers and 17,000 potable water customers.

The City of Thousand Oaks offers a variety of convenient ways to pay your City-issued utility bill including online, via automatic bill pay, at our convenient drop box location, and in-person at City Hall. View your account or pay your bill online by clicking HERE .

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What's new with my water bill?

The City of Thousand Oaks is transitioning to monthly billing from bimonthly billing. During the transition in January, customers may receive a 15-day bill, 30-day bill, or 45-day bill, however, starting in February, all residents and commercial accounts will begin receiving 30-day bills. If you have automatic bill pay enabled on your account, you will need to update your schedule or risk accruing late fees.

Bills will now be due in 21 days, as opposed to the original 30-day period. There is a 7 day grace period before late fees apply. Pumping lift rates and connections fees have also increased.

Residential Customers:

Please note that because we are transitioning to monthly billing, the tier values have also changed to a monthly rate. This chart reflects the amount of water consumed is comparable between the bimonthly charge and monthly charge.

Water Tiered Rates:

Tier 1 (1-24 units)

Tier 1 (1-12 units)

Tier 2 (25-60 units)

Tier 2 (13-30 units)

Tier 3 (61+ units)

Tier 3 (31+ units)

Water Base Rate Change:

Pumping Lift Charge Water:

Previous (per unit)

Wastewater Flat Rate:

Inside City Limits

Outside City Limits

Commercial, Irrigation, Commercial Multifamily Customers:

Water Quantity Rate:

Previous (bimonthly per unit)

New (monthly per unit)

Pumping Lift Charge Water:

Previous (per unit)

Wastewater Flat Rate:

The City’s current wastewater rate structure consists of a monthly fixed service charge per Service Unit. The number of Service Units attributed to each non-residential customer is calculated based on the number of plumbing fixture units, wastewater strength adjustment factors, and additional considerations.

Current (per unit)

For questions, please email utilitybill@toaks.org or call (805) 449-2201, extension 3 to speak to a staff member during business hours.

How do I read my new utility bill

Changes to the look of the bill are coming to City of Thousand Oaks water customers! Here is a helpful guide on how to read your new bill and details that will be provided to you on each bill.

Where do I pay my bill?

Visit: City of Thousand Oaks/City Hall

2100 E Thousand Oaks Blvd

Thousand Oaks, CA 91362

How do I set up autopay?

Never miss your payment due date again. Process an automatic deduction from your checking account or credit card via automatic debit. Only the amount owed is deducted/charged. You will continue to receive a regular statement from the City to inform you of the amount to be deducted and your water usage. Click here to signup now. Benefits of autopay include:

How do I set up paperless billing?


Help save paper by signing up for paperless billing! To receive your bills by e-mail, you may sign up by logging into your account on First Billing or by calling Public Services at (805) 449-2201.

How can I start or stop service?

To schedule your start or stop date for City utility services you have two options:

If you require immediate initiation or termination of services, please call Finance Public Services at (805) 449-2201 Option 3 during business hours.

AFTER-HOUR EMERGENCIES: For after-hour urgent matters related to water and wastewater, please contact our Public Works Municipal Service Center’s standby personnel at (805) 449-2499.

Is there a utility assistance program?

For water or wastewater eligible customers who participate in the CARE program with Southern California Edison or SoCal Gas, the City of Thousand Oaks' UAP program provides $60.00 per year in wastewater assistance and $120.00 per year in water bill assistance, provided as discounts on your bill. Eligible customers can receive both. Renewals are required every two years. Click here to learn more.

Is there a low income water assistance program?


LIHWAP is a federally-funded program that offers one-time support to help low-income households pay past due or current residential water and sewer bills and keep their water on. LIHWAP is administered by the California Department of Community Services and Development (CSD), which works through Ventura County Community Action to connect low-income households to the financial support they need.

The deadline to apply for LIHWAP has been extended to March 31, 2024 – but don’t wait to apply! Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Renters: If your water and/or sewer bill is included in your rental payment you may still qualify for LIHWAP if you are past due on rent. To get the benefit, you would complete an agreement with your landlord as part of the application.

Applications must be sent to VENTURA COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION

Questions? Call Ventura County Community Action at (805) 436-4000.

Do you offer one time adjustments?


The City of Thousand Oaks offers a one-time adjustment to their utility customers when there is an unusually high-water usage due to either unexplained causes or a leak within the customer’s property. To qualify, the water usage must be more than twice the reasonably expected bill for the period involved as evaluated by City staff. All leaks must be corrected prior to any adjustment and proof of repair must be submitted with the Request for a One-Time Adjustment Form.

How do I check for a water leak?

Suspect a water leak? Click here to learn the right steps to help determine if you have a leak and if it is inside or outside of your home. Thank you in advance for being mindful of protecting our most precious resource - water. The City does not perform leak detection services for customers.

How do I read my water meter?


Reading your water meter will tell you how much water you're using and whether you have a leak. Most meters are located near the curb in front of your home or business, under a concrete lid.

Billing units are in hundred cubic feet "HCF"; to obtain HCF, read all digits except the last two. Subtract your last reading from the current reading to determine your use in hundred cubic feet. To convert your usage to gallons, multiply by 748 (one hundred cubic feet (1 HCF) equals 748 gallons).

For more information or to sign up for a survey, please contact the City’s Public Works Department at (805) 449-2499.

What are the City's policies for resident water shut offs?


It is the policy of the City of Thousand Oaks to use every reasonable and possible means to provide our customers the right to safe, accessible, and affordable water. For information or to discuss options for averting shutoff, please call Finance Public Services at 805-449-2201. Customers can also view our full policy available by selecting your preferred language (placed in no particular order) below:

What are the City's current water rates and plans?


Fee ordinances for wastewater and water rates and charges are adopted by City Council every two years based on approved Financial Plans and Cost of Service Studies. Click here to view the utility Financial Plans, Cost of Service Studies, and rate ordinances.


California Government Code 50050, et. Seq. provides that unclaimed utility payments which remain in the official custody of the officers of a local agency for three (3) years become the property of the agency. Please visit

Please visit CLICK HERE to see the list of unclaimed utility payments have been in the possession of the City of Thousand Oaks (City) for over 3 years. These utility payments are being maintained in the City’s General Water Fund and if not claimed, will become the property of the City on June 20, 2024. Claims are due June 19, 2024.


For after-hour urgent matters related to water and wastewater, please contact our Public Works Municipal Service Center’s standby personnel at: (805) 449-2499.

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2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks, CA 91362. | (805) 449.2100

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