Tell time to the nearest five minutes and have fun with a Telling Time Math Coloring Page.
Non-Editable Non-Editable: PDF Pages Pages: 2 Pages Curriculum Curriculum: CCSS, TEKS Grades Grades: 2 - 3Tell time to the nearest five minutes and have fun with a Telling Time Math Coloring Page.
Non-Editable Non-Editable: PDF Pages Pages: 2 Pages Curriculum Curriculum: CCSS, TEKS Grades Grades: 2 - 3Tell time to the nearest five minutes and have fun with a Telling Time Math Coloring Page.
Get your scholars on board with a fun blend of telling time practice and coloring! This printable color by code worksheet is perfect for helping your students build their skills with telling time to the nearest five minutes.
This worksheet requires students to look at individual clocks within the spaces inside the picture. They will look at the color key to determine which color the given section should be. Then, students will color the fun cat scene based on their answer.
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Don’t stop there! Your lesson plan wouldn’t be complete without these activities and teaching resources too:
Telling Time to the Minute - Worksheet Pack" />
Practice telling time to the minute by writing the digital time and drawing the hands on analog clocks.
3 pages Grades: 2 - 3
Familiarize students with the analog clock face, hands and other parts of a clock with a printable poster created for the primary classroom.